joscelyn gardner (joscelyngardnerart)
2020 Jakobsen, Ole Bak, ‘Blomsterudstilling’ på Randers Kunstmuseum sætter højaktuelle temaer til debat, in
2019 Christensen, Susanna, Information to the Patient: Review of ‘Sick and Desiring’, in Kunstkritikk, Oct 23, 2019
2018 Guillermina De Ferrari, A Caribbean Hauntology: The Sensorial Art of Joscelyn Gardner
and M. Nourbese Philip, Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, DOI 10.1080/13569325.2018.1485561
2018 Vermeulen, Heather, Thomas Thistlewood’s Libidinal Linnaean Project: Slavery, Ecology, and Knowledge Production in
Eighteenth Century Jamaica, Small Axe: a Caribbean Journal of Criticism, Issue 55. New York: Duke U P
2018 Delgado, Aldeide, Contemporary Afro-Latin American Voices: Old Conflicts, New Expressions, Contemporary And
América Latina magazine
2017. Barbanuk, Magdalena, Nowy Region Swiata, Format Art Magazine (online; November 4)
2016 Zuill, Charles, Mary Prince: in her own words, The Royal Gazette, Bermuda (online; December 9, 2016)
2016 Uszerowicz, Monica, An Exhibition Examines How Plant Taxonomies Influenced World History, Artsy Editorial, Aug 31,
2016 PDF in English
2016 Coussonnet, Clelia, Art et Botanique, Diptyk n°32, février-mars 2016
2016 Kennedy, Katherine, Remembering ‘your place’: A review of the 4th San Juan Poly/Graphic Triennial & parallel exhibitions,
ARC Magazine (online; January 25, 2016)
2015 Acevedo-Yates, Carla, Corporalities: Physical and Material Representation of Women’s Bodies, in Corporalidades
Exhibition Catalogue, Fundacion Casa Cortes, San Juan, Puerto Rico
2014 Cottingham, Steven, Joscelyn Gardner at Alberta Printmakers, Akimbo - Akimblog Reviews. PDF in English
2014 Mandybura, Cadence, Flowers and Power: Artist seeks to insert portraits in colonial Caribbean history, Exhibition Review,
Fast Forward Weekly, Calgary Nov 20, 2014
2014 McDonald, Amy Athey, ‘A Bold Effort’: Illuminating images of slavery in the British Empire, Yale News, November 2, 2014
2013 Brebion, Dominique, The Feminine Body in Caribbean Contemporary Art, Theory and Art Criticism In the Caribbean,
AICA Caraibe du Sud online publication,
2012 Fernandez Campa, Marta, Caribbean Art in Dialogue: Connecting Narratives in Wrestling with the Image, Anthurium: A
Caribbean Studies Journal, Volume 9, Issue 1, Article 12 PDF in English
2012 Rodgers, Margaret, Art Review: Not for the Faint Hearted, OshaWhat Magazine, January 25, 2012
2012 Collado, Lilliana Ramos, Review of Caribes Globales (PDF in Spanish), in Arte, Estudios Culturales, Eventos, Museo de Art Contemporaneo de Puerto Rico, Jan 2012
2011 Levy, Bernard, Le 7e Ciel de la Gravure, Vie des Arts 223 (summer issue), Montreal, Quebec
2011 Lanneville, Jo Ann, Expanding the Biennale at Trois Rivières, Contemporary Impressions: The Journal of the American
Print Alliance, Volume 19, Number 1
2011 Lanneville, Jo Ann, 7e Biennale Internationale d’Estampe Contemporaine de Trois-Rivières: Penser, comprendre et
transformer le monde, Art le Sabord 89, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada
2011 Rumleski, Kathy, Londoner’s work wins world wide acclaim, in The London Free Press
2011 Tischler, Gary, Consequential Caribbean: Contemporary Artists Wash Away Sunny Stereotypes, Washington Diplomat,
Volume 18, Number 3
2011 Davis, Annalee. Exposing Contemporary Art. Barbados Today. Barbados, February 16, 2011
2010 Brebion, Dominique, Recovering the Lost Memory, Arte Sur Magazine, Venezuela, Volume 2, Number 1
2010 Jiminez, Carlos, Bienal de Pontevedra – Cartografia de las disidencias artisticas Centroamerica y el Caribe, ArtNexus Art
Magazine, # 78, USA, Sept-Nov 2010
2010 Dagen, Philippe, Sete devoile la creation de jeunes artistes des Caraibes, Le Monde, Paris, France, August 20, 2010
2010 Sharma, Dr. Vaishali, Colonial Tale Retold: Review of Stains on my Chintz, Art Concerns, India, April-May 2010
2010 Das, Soumitra, There is a story behind every pattern, The Telegraph, Calcutta, India, March 20
2010 Das, Soumitra, Ghostly hands in the dark, The Telegraph, Calcutta, India, February 14, 2010
2010 Surai, Oindrilla Maity, A Tale Within and Without, Art & Deal, Vol. 7, No. 2, Issue No. 32, Calcutta, India
2010 Suarez de Jesus, Carlos, At the Little Haiti Cultural Center, a world-class exhibit focuses on the art of the Caribbean, Miami
New Times, January 14, 2010
2010 Hoffman, Hank, Real Art Ways ‘Rockstone and Bootheel’ exhibition showcases richness of contemporary West Indian art
scene, Connecticut Art Scene, February 10, 2010
2009 Tischler, Gary, One Foot ‘Elsewhere’, The Washington Diplomat, Vol. 16, No. 10
2009 Hamilton, Sarah, Missionary Position,, Edmonton
2009 Espezel, Mandy, and Jill Stanton, The Secret Diary of Thomas Thistlewood, Art Box, SEE Magazine, February 19, 2009. arts/art-box/artbox0219/
2007 Esplund, Lance. The Underbelly of the Caribbean. The New York Sun. New York, 30 August, 2007
2007 Chris, Rea. Review of Infinite Island: Contemporary Caribbean Art. Percolator Magazine, Dec/Jan
2007 Mahon, Susan. WhisperPast-WhisperPost. Select Barbados Magazine. Barbados, August, 2007
2006 Goodman, Khalil. The Evil that is “Barbie’ Barbadian Women Artists. Barbados Advocate. 19 Feb
2005 Allen-Agostini, Lisa. Artist Explores White Skin Black Kin, Trinidad, The Trinidad Guardian, 25 June, 2005.
2005 Best, Gerard A. Uncovering the Slavery Triangle: a Feminist Perspective. Cover Story. Trinidad, Sunday Express 19 June 2005.
2005 Best, Gerard A., Black and White Stories. Caribbean Beat Magazine. Trinidad, Sept/Oct 2005, Issue #75.
2005 Hahn, Stuart. Joscelyn Gardner: Plantation Poker “The Merkin Stories”, 2005
2005 Netter, Sarah. L’Identite Creole selon Joscelyn Gardner. Antilla1128, Martinique, 2 Fev
2004 Chapman-Andrews, Alison. Joscelyn Gardner. Artheme, Art Contemporain Caraibe, revue trimestrielle. No. 14.
Martinique: Artheme, December 2004.
2004 Dear, Karin. White Skin, Black Kin: Joscelyn Gardner’s Art Speaks the Unspeakable. The NATION Newspaper, Barbados, 30
May, 2004.
2004 Nelson, Charmaine. Black Hair / Her-Stories and Joscelyn Gardner’s Inverted Portraits, FUSE, Vol.27, No. 3. Toronto: 2004.
2004 Sten, Lillian (AICA). Bondage and Bonding. The NATION Newspaper, Barbados, 14 March, 2004.